Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance

February 2023

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It's Heart Month image with hands raised for Congenital Heart Disease Awareness #CHD #HeartMonth #1in100 #MoisduCoeur #cardiopathiecongenitale #heartdisease #heartdefect

February is Heart Month! CCHA is so excited to bring you a month full of events, announcements, and most importantly awareness. Raise your hand if you will join us in raising CHD Awareness in support of over 250,000 Canadians living with Congenital Heart Disease.


C'est l'image du mois du cœur avec les mains levées pour la sensibilisation aux maladies cardiaques congénitales #CHD #HeartMonth #1in100 #MoisduCoeur #cardiopathiecongenitale #heartdisease #cardiopathie #heartdefect malformation cardiaque

Février est le mois du cœur ! Le CCHA est ravi de vous offrir un mois rempli d'événements, d'annonces et, surtout, de sensibilisation. Levez la main si vous vous joignez à nous pour sensibiliser la population aux cardiopathies congénitales afin de soutenir plus de 250,000 Canadiens vivant avec une cardiopathie...

CCHA is back on Instagram #CHD #HeartMonth #1in100 #MoisduCoeur #cardiopathiecongenitale #heartdisease #heartdefect #instagram #insta #thegram #CHDawareness

Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance is back on Instagram with our new account @CCHA4LIFE!

You may have noticed we haven`t updated our old IG in some time. We were locked out and sadly unable to recover the account. We are currently in the process of closing down our old page @cchaforlife and we hope you will follow us on this new one.

Please continue to support our CHD community by liking our posts, following our page, and turning on your notifications as you look forward to amazing content this Heart Month 2023!

You can also follow us on:

Facebook: @CCHAforlife

Twitter: @cchaforlife...

Hands holding multicoloured heart puzzle Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Week February 7-14  Congénital semaine de sensibilisation aux maladies cardiaques Février 7-14 #CHD #CHDAwarenessWeek #HeartMonth #MoisDuCoeur #heart #heartdisease

As we get ready for CHD Awareness Week on February 7 we invite you share our campaign across Canada, sharing personal stories, CHD research, projects and more. We are thrilled for the return of our 5th annual #CanadaLitRed4CHD campaign showcasing monuments across Canada lit red for CHD Awareness as well as our #CHDproclamation from cities coast to coast. Be sure to use our #CCHAweraiseourhandforCHD hashtag to show your CHD support.

To show your support this CHD Awareness Week, download our Facebook and Twitter covers in English and French.

Facebook cover EN

CHD Awareness Week Social Media assets #CHD #HeartMonth #MoisDuCoeur #CHDAwarenessWeek Heart Month Mois Du Coeur #CHDAdvocacy CHD Advocacy CHD Awareness Week Social Media assets #CHD #HeartMonth #MoisDuCoeur #CHDAwarenessWeek Heart Month Mois Du Coeur #CH

Twitter cover EN...

Illustration of Penelope

Le Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance est ravi d'annoncer que leur livre pour enfant "Penelope goes for her heart checkup" est maintenant disponible en français "Pénélope va chez le cardiologue."

Suivez Pénélope - une petite fille - alors qu'elle se rend à l'hôpital pour son "bilan cardiaque” dans ce livre magnifiquement illustré pour les enfants de 5 à 8 ans

Pour en savoir plus et télécharger le livre, visitez

ALERTE ACTIVITÉ ENFANTS !!!Pour faire partie du voyage de Pénélope, téléchargez la page de coloriage ci-dessous. Coloriez...

Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA) shares stories of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) journeys with the CHD community. However, we also want to share and honour those who were lost too soon. We share these stories to help connect people and families with similar experiences, offer support, and emphasize the need for further research and awareness of CHD.

The tribute is shared on social media twice a year. Once at the end of Heart Month on February 28 and again later in the year.

By responding to this form you are consenting to CCHA using your story and photograph (if applicable) for...

Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society Data Center
The Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society Data Center takes pride in their research and it would not be possible without the annual participation of the patients and families enrolled in their studies. Please click on the banner to be part of their team and to join their community.


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